Project Management

The Festive Collection is just one of the many catalogue projects that I have enjoyed working on. A Direct Mail catalogue with 36 pages containing over 200 Christmas card designs for business use.

I was responsible for all design aspects for ‘The Festive Collection’ programme, reporting directly to the Head of Marketing. Each year that included over 100 card designs, creating the final artwork, templates for all cards to be printed, and personalised as well as the catalogue and all associated mailing pieces.

Complementing the range of cards are calendars, and promotional branded gifts we also developed a folded calendar along with the cutting forme allowing for low volumes to be personalised digitally.

Liaising with external suppliers such as CCA Occasions and Collisons for additional card, and calendar designs, I was also responsible for the creation and implementation of all studio / artwork procedures and templates to ensure internal worflow efficiencies, and quality was maximised while meeting the requirements of external suppliers.